This is an attempt to keep helpful bits of information that I’ve come across in one place. If you notice a mistake or bug, or have some concern, please get in touch, or submit an issue or pull request on Github directly if you like.
Some intuition behind fundamental solutions and Green’s functions
Green’s functions are pretty useful, but can seem a bit confusing for newcomers since they seem like an arbitrary definition. Here’s some intuition.
Blossoms and Bézier curves
The Bézier curves are wonderful this time of year…
A dependency-free VTK writer
For saving 2D and 3D data without installing VTK
A minimal CMake project template
An attempt to understand what all the hype is about…
Fixing some hiccups in org mode
A list of subtle tweaks to use fix some parts of org-mode for Emacs 26.3
Squashing Git Commits
Let’s say you have a bunch of commits in your git history…
Vim and Language Servers
Setting up autocomplete tools in Vim using Language Servers
Tmux cheatsheet
A minimal tmux cheatsheet.
Export Inkscape SVG to PDF from command line
Inkscape comes with a command line interface for scripting various commands…