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  • tmux

I check Daniel Miessler’s Tactical tmux constantly, so I decided to make a more condensed cheatsheet specific to check locally. This isn’t a tutorial so much as a list of reference commands and related configurations for good measure. I’m by no means a power-user, so I’ll be updating this as I accumulate tmux-related knowledge.

Bash interface

  • tmux new -s session start a new tmux session with name session
  • tmux deatch detach from current session
  • tmux ls list current sessions
  • tmux a -t session attach to the session with name session
  • tmux kill-session -t session kill the session with name session


    All commands are prefixed by ctrl-b.

  • d detach from the current session
  • c create a new window
  • % split window horizontally
  • " split window vertically
  • n change to next window
  • p change to previous window

  • :resize-pane -L 5 Expand the size of the current pane by 5 columns to the left
  • :resize-pane -R 5 Expand the size of the current pane by 5 columns to the right
  • :respawn-pane -k kill command running in current pane and respawn pane


bind h select-pane -L
bind j select-pane -D
bind k select-pane -U
bind l select-pane -R


Add the following lines to your .vimrc to allow for tmux to share the color scheme as your terminal:

if $TERM == 'screen'
    set t_Co=256

Original SE link